Upload an advanced shipping notification (ASN) for pending arrival of stock.
Major Fields
Upload an advanced shipping notification (ASN) for pending arrival of stock. This would be called when a document has been received from a supplier advising that an order has been shipped, along with details of quantities shipped. This is not an order confirmation, it is an advice of what is actually shipping in response to an order. Typically suppliers generate ASNs when orders are physically packed for transport.
Field# | Name | DataType | Flags | Description |
f100 | Key | 's' | Provided | |
f101 | Spid | 'E','s' | Required | Supplier Id |
f102 | EntryDt | ? | Defaulted | Entry date of this ASN. The date this ASN was recorded in the system, value supplied by the system. |
f103 | ExpectDt | ? | The expected delivery date, and optionally time of this shipment. If a delivery window is provided this field contains the earliest delivery date | |
f104 | Document | 's' | Required | Supplier document reference code, or unique id assigned by them. This will typically be the packing slip number |
f105 | PONum | 's' | Multiple | Purchase order number. If this shipment is in response to a purchase order, this field contains the original purchase order number. |
Field# | Name | DataType | Flags | Description |
f200 | Pid | 'E','s' | Our Product id | |
f201 | PVariant | 'E' | Our Product id variant. | |
f202 | QtyUnit | 'E' | Quantity in units of this item. 2 boxes with 12 in each box would be recorded as "24" in this field. | |
f500 | SupCode | 's' | Suppliers part code for the item |