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The combo directive allows you to place a drop down select control onto an XML screen. It is only available for XML screens and does not work on UI screens.


Supplies a PSQL statement to select values from the database. The string is used literally and not translated


3 Jul 2015, P1868 Supplies a PSQL statement to select values from the database, but the "String" is processed using symbol translation before use. Symbol translation only occurs when the combo is loaded.


Sets the font characteristics to use in the combo control


Sets the name of the field from the database to display to the user. Typically this is a field like "description" for products.


Not documented for use




Sets the name of the field from the database that is used as the "value" of this combo. Typically this is a field like "pid" for products.


Not documented for use


Deprecated. Do not use for new installations.


Locks the combo from change if a value has already been set. This is used where an option can only be selected once and is then permanently locked to that value.

Examples of Use

Draw a simple screen with two combo selectors. Both use psql to load values, one is using symbol translation
<screen name="ComboTest" size="208,73" style="center,sysmenu" title="ComboTest" font="Arial,12" default="run" cancel="Cancel">

<text at="5,5" size="40,100">
    <label>Combo Test2</label>

<combo at="40,30" name="crc" size="80,112">

     set xyz = string(?products,pid,lt,1124)

<combo at="40,50" name="crc2" size="80,112">
