Staff API
Simple Examples
Storing details of a new staff member
{ "Name": "Pat Benatar" }
Using /Staff/{Key} API
While the /Staff/{Key} API is commonly used to retrieve a single staff member record by internal ID# (aka Tid) it can also return a single staff member details when searching by other criteria.
Each of the above will only return a single record. However, this may change in a future release to retrun all matching records. Currently, if multiple records match then no records will be returned.
Retrieving Security Rights and Roles
To retrieve additional fields not provided by default you add the query parameter ?want=... and the requested information will be included in the response.
{ "data": { "Staff": [ { "Tid": 7, "Name": "Bhupinder", "Active": 0, "MainLocation": null, "NamePrinted": null, "StartDt": null, "LeaveDt": null, "Physkey": null, "RemoteProfile": null, "AutoLoginFromWindowsName": null, "LoginBitmask": null, "ExternalId": null, "WorkLocation": null, "SecurityRole": "MANAGER" } ] } }
{ "data": { "Staff": [ { "Tid": 7, "Name": "Bhupinder", "Active": 0, "MainLocation": null, "NamePrinted": null, "StartDt": null, "LeaveDt": null, "Physkey": null, "RemoteProfile": null, "AutoLoginFromWindowsName": null, "LoginBitmask": null, "ExternalId": null, "WorkLocation": null, "RIGH": [ { "RoleId": 7, "ROLE": [ { "RoleId": -101, "Name": "MANAGER" } ] }, { "RoleId": -101, "SecurityRight": [ 1001, 1006, 2000, 983042, 983043, 983044 ] } ] } ] } }