SalesSearch Examples
Listing Sales using MFC and C++
List all currently parked sales, which is phase=5, created after 1-Jan-2020
// Create the request URL char* MyRmSystem = "1_2_3_4"; char targetUrl[1000]; sprintf_s(targetUrl, "/OpenApi2_%s/SalesSearch?querytext=phase(5)&after=1-Jan-2020", MyRmSystem); // Prepare a connection CInternetSession sess; CHttpConnection* pHttp = sess.GetHttpConnection("fieldpine.com", 0, (short)443); const char* Accept[2] = { "application/json", NULL }; DWORD SessFlags = INTERNET_FLAG_SECURE; CHttpFile* pRf = pHttp->OpenRequest("GET", targetUrl, NULL, 1, (const char**)Accept, NULL, SessFlags); pRf->AddRequestHeaders("X-Api-Key: YOUR-KEY-GOES-HERE\r\n", HTTP_ADDREQ_FLAG_REPLACE | HTTP_ADDREQ_FLAG_ADD); pRf->SendRequest(NULL, 0, NULL, 0); DWORD Status = 0; pRf->QueryInfoStatusCode(Status); // Read Content regardless of status CString ct; pRf->QueryInfo(HTTP_QUERY_CONTENT_LENGTH, ct); long ContentLength = atol(ct); CString ReplyString; if (ContentLength > 0) { unsigned char bb[8192*4]; int rl = pRf->Read(bb, sizeof(bb)); while (rl > 0) { ContentLength -= rl; ReplyString += CString(bb, rl); if (ContentLength > 0) { rl = pRf->Read(bb, sizeof(bb)); } else rl = 0; } } if ((Status >= 200) && (Status <= 299)) { // Process ReplyString here - it contains the server response } // Cleanup...