Delivery Addresses on Create New Sale API
Ship To Customer
{ "ExternalId": "Sale.000001", "Location": "Website", "CompletedDt": "2019-07-01T10:35", "Phase": 200, "LINE": ..., "Delivery": { "Instructions": "Leave beside BBQ if nobody home", "Address": "1a My street|Douglas|Taranaki", "Email": "sue@example.com" } }
Click and Collect
{ "ExternalId": "Sale.000001", "Location": "Website", "CompletedDt": "2019-07-01T10:35", "Phase": 200, "LINE": ..., "Delivery": { "CollectLocation": "York" } }
Timeslots and Other Allocations
The following information can be supplied as part of the delivery information.
Known Customer Addresses
If the retailer is using Customer Contact Cards (multiple contacts/addresses for a single customer), then you can specify the delivery address by supplying the Contact ID
{ "ExternalId": "Sale.000001", "Location": "Website", "CompletedDt": "2019-07-01T10:35", "Phase": 200, "LINE": ..., "Delivery": { "PhyskeyContact": "ABCHJDU28947GHS34NJOPQ" } }