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 - Location List
 - Lane Edit

eLink retailmax.elink.location.lane.list

This bucket provides access defined and active lanes within the system. A lane is a trading counter, store server or other component that is working to make up the retail environment.

Input Arguments

3's'Required. Constant 'retailmax.elink.location.lane.list'


f100 LicidThe unique lane number allocated to this system (Srcuid)
f101WorkId A description of the lane. Typically something like "Beauty Counter" or "Pos 4"
f102LocationId The location number at which is lane is located.
f104StoreName The name of the store the lane is in. This field is deprecated and the actual store name should be retrieved using LocationId above to fetch the location name.
f107 Absolute time this lane last performed a BIS syncronise function.
f110Auth True/false indicating if this lane is enabled to use the point of sale system
f114LastIP The last IP address this lane connected using.
f124Comments General free form comments
f125AssetNum Asset number for this retail lane
f1000 Elapsed time since this lane last performed a BIS syncronise function expressed in a whole number of hours. Half hours are rounded to the nearest whole hour (so, 45 minutes will round to 1 hour). For a more precise time indication see f107 and f1007
f1002 The location name where this lane is located. A value such as "Wellington Store" is returned. This value is decoded from f102
f1007 Elapsed time since this lane last performed a BIS syncronise function. This time is expressed in the format "DDDd HH:MM" for example "3d 14:15" (3 days, 14 hours and 15 minutes)


Return current location lane list for all lanes