eLink retailmax.elink.price.specific Bucket

This bucket returns details about a specific pricing entries. A specific pricing entry allows systems to configure a price override rule for customers,products,departments,stores.

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Input Arguments

3's'Required. Constant 'retailmax.elink.price.specific'
9's'Predicates to select data to return.

Input Fields

The following fields can be specified as part of predicates on the call, but are not returned on output. (See examples below)
f200Number A Staff Member id (Tid). When this predicate is present, and the tracking of customers to account managers is functional, the system will only return entries that are managed by the Staff Member identified. Without this predicate, entries for all staff members are returned.

Output Fields

This bucket returns an ARAY packet, and zero or more DATS packets for each matching entry

The fields on the DATS packet are:
FieldPresent by DefaultPredicatesDescription
f100YesYes Unique (non zero) number for this pricing entry
f101YesYes Pid
f102YesYes Depid
f103YesYes Customer
f104YesYes Location
f105YesYes Priority
f106YesYes End Dt
f107YesYes Start Dt
f108YesYes UnitPrice
f109YesYes PricePct


Return all pricing entries managed by teller #15.
