Product Cases
Product Cases function enables the the linking of "cases" to "products", where a case is a product itself. This might be used if you are selling glasses, and the sale if a pair if glasses should prompt the staff member to also sell the matching case.
- Products can be linked to a single "case" product
- "Case Products" are themselves real products, subject to normal stock control.
- There is nothing special about case pricing, they are sold like normal products, and you can create kits/combos for products and matching cases if you wish
- When a sale includes a product that includes a case link, the Pos prompts the teller at various times to ensure the case is added to the sale
- eCommerce or API sales that require picking and dispatch receive alerts for the picker to consider
- Cases on the sale are not enforced, staff can sell a different case or no case at all
Main Links
End User Operation
Create a "case product", as a normal product with description, price, PLU/SKU etc. It does not need to be specially marked in any way. eg "Dior Large case"
Edit the products that should use that case product and add the link to the case. eg: Edit product "Dior Fashion 3000 glasses" to use case "Dior Large case"
The Pinboard "Product case" shows the case product associated to an original product,
=Pinboard("Product Case", SOURCE-PID)
This function enables automatically when the first case reference is saved. However, it can also be preenabled under settings/All Config. Pre-enabling removes some latency with enabling and transferring information.
Products point to case products by storing the physkey of the case product in products.casephyskey
The API /RetailConfig reports using the "ProductCase" value. 2=database support present but not enabled, 3=database present and enabled
Case checking is enabled on POS lanes with the setting ProductCaseEnabled. This is off by default and can be enabled per profile.
PosGreen Logic
- When a product is sold that has an associated case, a message is displayed. This message is displayed even if the matching case is already present on the sale