Multi Store Options
Fieldpine can be put together in many different ways to suit a wide variety of retail operations. Outlined below are some of the more common configurations, but much of the actual design is plug and play, so you can adjust to meet your requirements.
Single Store

A single store retailer utilises a Fieldpine Store Server which controls the store. To this you can add PosGreen checkout lanes, mobile devices and tablets, or browser based PCs.
This is the base structure used in each store. In the following examples we skip showing the checkouts and browsers and only show the green store controllers.
A store controller (green) can either reside instore or cloud hosted on (or self hosted on a cloud vendor of your choice)
Chain of Stores

Use this model when:
- The stores are all directly related
- Management and Reporting is centralised and distributed to stores
Adding Agencies

The agency is completely isolated from your store in terms of data visibility. Within Fieldpine they are a seperate retailer, with a tight connection to your store so that you can fully control them remotely.
The agency is able to use either PosGreen for Windows
Use this model when:
- Agencies are outlets, not directly part of your main store network
- You are paying for the Agency POS, not them
Multi Level, State and Country Separation

This means that the "Store Owners" have a complete functional Point of Sale and are able to manage their own retail systems. They can freely adjust their own pricing, create logins and pricing offers, without affecting other independant stores.
Sales and reporting are transmitted to all interested downstream systems, in this case national reporting for the whole country and state reporting for state wide operators.
This model differs from "Chain of Stores" above in that each store owner is more independent and typically an arms length legal entity from the group.
Use this model when:
- Stores have no connection to each other, eg a login on one should not work on the other
- Pricing is controlled by stores, not head office
- Stores are selling other products not controlled by you
Supplier Interaction
Currently in test, available to beta sites only

In the same way you can connect stores and agencies, you can also connect selected suppliers automatically. These might be normal suppliers or inhouse suppliers/importers that you control.
This model is similiar to EDI integrations, but removes the need for your retail system to be tied to varying EDI standards and software. Your stores interact with another supplier controlled Fieldpine system, which they can interface and change to their systems.
Use this model when:
- You wish to allow automated sharing of data
- You share common products
- The supplier has Fieldpine as well, or a minimal Fieldpine system that has been interfaced alternative software
Major Customer Interaction
Currently in test, available to beta sites only