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Onsite Engineer Home Page

This page provides quick links to the most commonly required information by onsite support engineers.

Which Product?

Fieldpine provides several different products and a typical retail environment may use several of these. The chart below will help you to understand what product is being used.

System is a selling counter, running on Windows. An icon launches PosGreen.exePOS (offline) This is the classic selling counter system for Fieldpine POS. These machines are designed to run standalone and communicate with a backoffice system or StoreServer over the network. For small retailers, this may be the only system they are using.
System is a backoffice machine, running on Windows. An icon launches PosGreen.exePOS (shared)
User opens a web browser and accesses Urls that appear to be on the customers internal intranetGDS (reporting)
User has a handheld device, such as an MC3090Mgreen These devices are intelligent and have a program provided specifically for the device. Refer to the specialised documentation for these device types for more information.
User has portable WiFi devices such as iPod touch, smartphone etc.GDS (reporting)


  1. Network Notes Information about requirements for network connections used by Fieldpine Systems. Including details of requirements for Internet routers and NAT virtual servering.

  2. You should use the url http://server:port/GNAP/IQDY to test if Global Data Servers are working from client systems. Often hostnames and URLs can be security restricted, but this URI is known to always respond if any form of connectivity exists.

Installation and Computer Specific

  1. Fieldpine products are recommended to be installed in c:\Fieldpine folder. Previous versions used the Program Files folder, but this is no longer supported as a location by Fieldpine.

    POS (Point Of Sale)c:\Fieldpine\pos
    GDS (Global Data Server)c:\Fieldpine\gds

  2. For instructions on how to move Fieldpine from one PC to another, click here
  3. POS. Each POS runs an internal web server that can be used to check operation and observe internal state. For the POS the Url is Due to security, this url may only work on the local computer running the pos, and might not function if you are attempting to browse over a network link. If the Url does not display, check the trusted sites list in Internet Explorer, and also ensure that anti-virus and firewalls are configured to allow this URL to be accessed.

  4. POS & GDS-Reporting Scanner Test Page web page to check if a keyboard wedge barcode scanner is correctly configured. This web page only works for scanners that emulate keyboard devices, including most USB scanners. It does not test serial port connected scanners.

Supported Hardware

The following items have been tested by Fieldpine or are known to work. There are many other devices that function correctly but Fieldpine support will not be able to help with those devices

Barcode Scanners

Not supported: A "no-name" brand scanner sold at Dick Smith New Zealand. It is unable to be programmed with the prefix/suffix characters required.

Receipt Printers

Receipt printers are the retail specific printers, not normal document printers.

You may used any printer supported by Windows as a receipt printer. You must be able to print a Windows test page correctly for us to support it.

Label Printers

Printers that support ZPL or EPL should work correctly but should be validated


Fuel Controllers

PC Hardware

The following is a list of key files often found in POS folders and their purpose. Customers are free to store a small amount of site specific data in the POS folder too, so unexplained files might be site specific.

Main Files

File NameDescription
PosGreen.exe posgreen.exe.manifest fpos.dll Main application files
Green.mdb or fpos.mdb green.ldb fpos.ldb Main database for sites using Access
*.ui, *.uii These files contain the layout of the user interface. They are named MMMM_xxx.ui where MMMM is the User Interface number. There can be multiple User Interfaces in a single POS folder and the number groups these together.
ccProdset.dll Configuration functions for maintaining advanced product attributes. Only really required on management type lanes, not needed for trading operation.
secure.dll Functions that require extended security rights. (from P1941)
ccPurchasing.dll Advanced stock management functionality
ccScript.dll Configuration functions for maintaining visual script programming. Only really required on management type lanes, not needed for trading operation.
dbcdao2000.dll dbcflat.dll dbcgds.dll Dll to access storage layer. Only one dll should be present reflecting which storage subsystem is in use
fpprinters.dll Interface and formatting dll for connecting to label printers and other specific printers.
fpchart.dll imagegen.dll Graphics conversion functions
fpos.ctl fpos_all.ctl fpos_fieldpine.ctl Site/Lane specific configuration files
fpos.pscr library.pscr Fieldpine supplied POS scripting routines
*.scr *.pscr Site specific POS customisation
custom.pscr Site specific script event handlers
fpscreens.dll Collection of special purpose prompting screens.
gdsmeta.txt Keep.
message.txt message_user*.txt Message text to display to users
posmetadef.txt posmetadef_user.txt Definitions of database structure.
posService.exe Main application for Service mode operation
TUBT*.dati Business Transaction files. Retain. (Technical Details)
*.dati Primary data storage files that should be retained. Some more specific file names are listed elsewhere on this page, but generally any field with the general name *.dati contains some form of data.
upstream*.* Files in active replication. Retain
activesale_delivery.htm prompt*.htm Web pages used for various selling prompting screens.
Custdisp*.htm Customer Display web pages for tablet/browser based display to customers whilst selling.

Supporting Files

File NameControlledDescription
Audit.log Size Limited The active audit log file for recording interesting events. Under certain conditions is auto archived.
Audit_DaySeq_N.dati Yes New audit files using mesh storage. The highest number file should always be retained, older/lower numbers should have already been archived offsite via mesh.
Audit_Until_xxx.log Archived copies of Audit.log. The xxx is a date/time that the file was created. It is not used again by the system, but ideally should be retained for several years.
bis*.tosend Yes Transactions waiting to be sent offsite. These should be retained if possible. The POS automatically cleans older files
BarcodeScanLog*.log A log of actual barcode scans. This is only useful to some forensic support and you are free to remove these if you wish.
auditsystem.txt Retain if possible, but can be removed if needed.
bistfr.htm A web page describing last BIS operation. Will be regenerated as required. An internal zip file from last automated code update. Should be retained, as removing this file may cause an automatic code update to start.
coreerror.log Last chance error report file for service problems. Can be deleted, will be created if needed
crash.out Yes Current crash file
crash-Record*.out Yes History log of all teller displayed errors and warnings, including internal state when message created/
dbcdao2000.log Log file from database layer when tracing enabled
DpsTrace_yyyy_mmm.out EnzTrace_yyyy_mmm.out Trace logs of all operations to eft providers.
f4txns.log Can be deleted, will reappear as required.
fposcfg.exe fposcfg.* Optional historic configuration tool. Not strictly required anymore but can be useful sometimes
geonz.csv geo*.csv
gnapclienttrace.out Trace file of internal calls, can be removed
infobaseref.txt Retain if present
jetcomp.* Microsoft database compress and repair utility. Does not need to reside in POS folder
restart.bat Common BAT file used to restart PosService
SaleJournal*.log Sale Journals for each day. Can be archived.
soap.log Internal trace file, safe to delete
soapstockchanges.log Retain
accountchanges.log Retain
trace.out Most recent trace file. Safe to delete
trace_DATE.out Persistent trace file from when tracing enabled constantly. Safe to delete
UserFlow*.dati UserInputs*.dati Internal state tracking of user actions, can be useful for forsenic support or legal purposes, but not normally required. Safe to delete.
vdef.ctl Visualation control file - retain
*.lup Keep if present. Defined printer layouts for labels
Login*f1.bmp Sale*.bmp Settle*.bmp Photos captured when staff logged in, created sales, etc. Image files may be stored in BMP, JPG or PNG formats depending on setup
fdlmgmt_camera*.* Yes Photos captured for remote monitoring
CameraSnap.exe ffmpeg.exe Utilities for camera interaction and media conversion

Historic Files

These files are no longer required in current versions

File NameDescription
bellgbb.ttf A font file used in some older UI files
ccInstall.dll Retired installaion setup file
ccReportTv.dll *.tvchan Retired, replaced by HTM and javsascript options
dbcdao35.dll Replaced by dbcdao2000.dll. Do not remove unless you have dbcdao2000.dll.
dsnhdr.bin POS Designer header for publishing setup files
fcloader.dll Retired, migrate to GDS bulk loading functionality instead.
fpeft2k.dll, sspeft.dll Historic Eftpos interface dlls. These should be safe to delete, but we suggest taking a backup first
fpinstall.log Installation log file, not needed
gnap.dll Retired functionality at most sites
GnapWillem.out General files that can be deleted
HCPos.* hcctlpos.dat Health check files. System now uses online quick codes
splash.bmp Historic application splash screen. Fieldpine no longer uses splash screens at startup