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» eLink API

See also
 - List Staff


Maintain staff records. A staff record defines a person that can login to the Point of Sale and perform transactions.

Input Arguments

8stringRequired. Must be "retailmax.elink.staff.edit"
11ActioncharSet to 'I' to insert a new record
100Tidnumber Specifies the unique internal number allocated to this staff member. This value is required for edit. It will be ignored for an insert operation and should not be supplied as the Point of Sale allocates a unique number.
101NamestringThe name of the staff member. This name is the login name and must be unique across active staff members.
103PasswordstringThe desired password for this staff member. Passwords are processed and obscured before being stored into the database.
107BarcodestringA barcode that when scanned will cause this staff member to be logged in
130PrivateEmailstringThe persons private home contact email address.
131WorkEmailstringThe persons official work email address
500GrantRolestringGrant a security role to this staff member. This field may be present multiple times. All staff members are automatically granted the role "All Staff" (sometimes called 'everybody')
501GrantRightstringGrant individual security rights to this staff member. This field may be present multiple times.
502RevokeRolestringRevoke a security role from a staff member. This field may only be specified for edit operations (Field 11, Action = 'E')
503RevokeRightstringRevoke individual security rights from a staff member. This field may only be specified for edit operations (Field 11, Action = 'E'). If this staff member is granted a right, this field will not remove the right - this field is only used to remove directly granted security rights.


Writing to the password field for a staff member also resets the failed login count to zero and removes the disabled flag. Overall this makes the staff record available to login and be used.

Values for individual rights can be found under Reference Data


Creating a simple HTML form to enter new staff members. This is an example only, you would not typically use the API like this as it is not a nice user experience.

<form action="POST" method="/GNAP/DATI">
<input type='hidden' name='f8' value='retailmax.elink.staff.edit'>
<input type='hidden' name='f11_B' value='I'>
Name: <input size=12 name='f101'><br>
Password: <input size=12 name='f103'><br>
<input type='submit' value='Save'>

Changing the active flag to 0 (disabled) for staff member 123
