Retail API
Online POS

RetailAPI index

Readers of this page should have already read the RetailAPI overview and understand the fundamentals of calling this API

/database endpoints

End point names that begin with /database are read only endpoints that return information that might generally be held in a database. You can use GET or POST verbs to read these endpoints. POST requests are still read only data requests and do not change the database, the POST verb is allowed so that complex and long requests are possible without the limitations on maximum URL length.

All endpoints, and especially /database endpoints, may return different information to callers using different Api Keys. A list of /database/products may return only eCommerce publised products to a shopping website, whilst if called by a supplier will typically only show details of products relevant to that supplier. Technically, the endpoints implement both vertical (what fields/values you can see) and horizontal security (are you permitted to see product X?)

URL Path Price Description
/database/products Standard Details of products
/request/card_inquiry Standard Information about a prepay (gift card) or discount voucher held by a customer. Allows eCommerce sites to fetch the current worth to support online redemption


Returns the list of products available.

Typically PublicNo
Query parameters obeyedlimit, search
Response formatsJSON, XML, binary


Returns an array of current messages intended for shoppers

Typically PublicYes
Query parameters obeyedlimit, search
Response formatsJSON, XML, binary
/RetailAPI_1_2_3_4/database/publicmessages.json  View JSON Sample
/RetailAPI_1_2_3_4/database/publicmessages.xml  View XML Sample


Returns the list of locations or stores available.

Typically PublicYes (subset of fields)
Query parameters obeyedlimit, search
Response formatsJSON, XML, binary

/request endpoints

/request endpoints are typically API requests that would logically expect some level of processing or action by the server. This might be a report extraction, specialised searching, storing sales and transactions or requesting changes to /database rows (eg, update a customers name)


Receive a completed sale from an external source and store it in the retailers database.

Typically PublicNo
Query parameters obeyed
Response formatsJSON, XML, binary


Validates a prepay or discount voucher card number and returns the available balance and other details. This API is typically used by eCommerce websites to allow customers to pay online using prepay cards issued instore.

More documentationCard Inquiry Info
Typically PublicNo
Query parameters obeyed
Filterscard pass
Response formatsJSON, XML, binary
	View JSON Sample (Prepay Card)
	View JSON Sample (Discount Voucher)

	View XML Sample (Prepay Card)
	View XML Sample (Discount Voucher)

Where this endpoint is called from a web server on behalf of a client browser (ie a shopper has entered their card# and password into a web page, and the web server processing that web page issues the call to the RetailAPI endpoint), then the API call will generally require details about the user session in order to implement anti fraud measures. The information required is all HTTP headers from a request (any recent request is acceptable, the requested URL is not important) and details of the remote users IP address.


Return summary information about the current months charges that have been applied from using RetailAPI.

Typically PublicNo
Query parameters obeyed
Response formatsJSON, XML, binary
PriceFree (if not called excessively)
/RetailAPI_1_2_3_4/request/currentbill.json View JSON Sample
/RetailAPI_1_2_3_4/request/currentbill.xml View XML Sample


Allows a pricebook (list of products, barcodes, descriptions, prices and ordering information) from a supplier for a retailer. This provides an automated way for authorised suppliers to update their pricing information in a retailers system.

Typically PublicNo
Query parameters obeyed
Response formatsJSON, XML, binary

This API requires a payload containing the pricebook. Several formats are supported for this payload such as XML, JSON, CSV, XLSX.