Cabinets Database Table
- physkey
- #100, Datatype: String 44 bytes
Unique id for this cabinet - cabid
- #101, Datatype: Integer
Numeric cabinet idenfier - qr
- #102, Datatype: String 244 bytes
QR code that is used to identify this cabinet - barcode
- #103, Datatype: String 44 bytes
Individual barcode used to identify this cabinet - locid
- #104, Datatype: Integer
Location id where this cabinet can be found - parent
- #105, Datatype: String 44 bytes
Unique id of the cabinet that contains this cabinet. Typically seen for shelves within a cabinet - cabtype
- #106, Datatype: Integer
Possible Values
Value Description 1 Cabinet 256 Shelf - name
- #110, Datatype: String 44 bytes
Name of this cabinet as you refer to it - redirect
- #111, Datatype: String 244 bytes
Optional redirect URL to send user too if QR scanned by customer - label1
- #112, Datatype: String 90 bytes
Optional value to include on printed cabinet labels - label2
- #113, Datatype: String 90 bytes
Optional value 2 to include on printed cabinet labels - rve
- #120, Datatype: Double