Sales_picking Database Table
Distrbuted Access: Application controlled
- physkey
- #100, Datatype: String 44 bytes
- sid
- #101, Datatype: Integer
- assignedlocation
- #102, Datatype: Integer
Store this order has been assigned to for picking and dispatch purposes - rve
- #103, Datatype: Double
- rvel
- #104, Datatype: Double
- linecounttotal
- #110, Datatype: Integer
- linecountactual
- #111, Datatype: Integer
- quickcomments
- #120, Datatype: String 40 bytes
Quick internal use comments. These should not be shown to customers - highlightcolor
- #121, Datatype: Integer
Background color used on picking screens to highlight this row - keyref
- #122, Datatype: String 40 bytes
Keying reference created when sale was marked as completed - customercomments
- #123 Comments added by pickers that are potentially visible to the original customer
- pickerrorreason
- #140, Datatype: Integer
Error code for why this sale has been forced to picking state rather than completed. A value in this field indicates a sale that has processing issuesPossible Values
Value Description 1 A prepay/SVC card is connected to this account but the prepay account has problems - pickerrordetail
- #141, Datatype: Integer
A PickErrorReason specific subcode - pickerrormessage
- #142, Datatype: String 250 bytes
System generated comment about issues with this sale