Sales_errors Database Table
Distrbuted Access: Application controlled
- physkey
- #100, Datatype: String 44 bytes
- salephyskey
- #101, Datatype: String 44 bytes
- sid
- #102, Datatype: Integer
- detectsite
- #103, Datatype: Integer
Code indicating where this error was detectedPossible Values
Value Description 1 Sale Create API loader 2 Sale GetPricing API - Detectdtu
- #104, Datatype: DateTime
Datetime UTC this error was detected and this record created - errorcode
- #110, Datatype: Integer
Problem this record is reportingPossible Values
Value Description 1024 Attempted to sell Pid=0 or no product detected 2048 Does not add up. Total payments is less than items sold 2049 Does not add up. Total payments is more than items sold 2050 Unknown payment type used 2051 Sale would exceed credit limits 2052 Payment type requires an account but one is not available to this customer 3000 Invalid UsageToken format provided 3001 UsageToken signature invalid 3002 UsageToken not found 3003 UsageToken already redeemed 4000 Delivery CollectLocation is unknown - salelineseq
- #111, Datatype: Integer
Link to salelines.seqnce where error report is for a specific saleline - Paymentseq
- #112, Datatype: Integer
Link to payments.sequence where error report is for a specific payment line - comments
- #113, Datatype: String 250 bytes
System generated comments about this error