Svcards Database Table
Distrbuted Access: Lanes( read insert edit delete Edits-require-TUBT )
- svcaccid
- #100, Datatype: Integer
- barcode
- #101, Datatype: String 44 bytes
- sdt
- #102, Datatype: DateTime
- edt
- #103, Datatype: DateTime
- cflags
- #104, Datatype: Integer
Possible Values
Value Description 1 Hotcard/stolen/lost 2 Account is archived, card not active - dflags
- #105, Datatype: Integer
Possible Values
Value Description 1 Can buy online with this card - ipass
- #106, Datatype: String 32 bytes
- physkey
- #107, Datatype: String 44 bytes
Unique key for this card record - physkeysvc
- #109, Datatype: String 44 bytes
Physkey of SvcAccid - qpass
- #110, Datatype: String 24 bytes
- rvel
- #111, Datatype: Double
- origsale
- #170, Datatype: String 44 bytes
Physkey of sale that originally authorised this card - origseqnce
- #171, Datatype: Integer
Sequence number of saleline that originally authorised this card - origvalue
- #172, Datatype: Money/Currency
Original purchase value