Docuheader Database Table
- physkey
- #100, Datatype: String 44 bytes
- createdt
- #101, Datatype: DateTime
Date/time local this record was created. This is not the date of the document - docutypecode
- #108, Datatype: Integer
Possible Values
Value Description 100 Invoice 101 Order Confirmation 102 OCR Test Page 103 ASN - invoicenumber
- #110, Datatype: String 40 bytes
- docdate
- #111, Datatype: DateTime
Date as seen on the document - taxidnumber
- #112, Datatype: String 30 bytes
- grandtotal
- #120, Datatype: Money/Currency
The grand total of an invoice including all taxes - tax1
- #121, Datatype: Money/Currency
Total amount of taxes - subtotalextax
- #122, Datatype: Money/Currency
Total of lines before tax, freight and packaging - freight
- #123, Datatype: Money/Currency
Freight charge as shown on document. May be including or excluding tax depending on source document - #130, Datatype: String 90 bytes
- issuer
- #133, Datatype: String 60 bytes
- purchaseordernumber
- #134, Datatype: String 60 bytes
The purchase order number of the buyer - AccountNumber
- #137, Datatype: String 30 bytes
- deliveryaddress
- #160, Datatype: String 244 bytes
- billingaddress
- #161, Datatype: String 244 bytes
- addressFlags
- #162, Datatype: Integer
Possible Values
Value Description 1 Delivery/Billing are different - hflags
- #700, Datatype: Integer
Possible Values
Value Description 1 Has multi value entries