Pricemaps Database Table
Distrbuted Access: Lanes( read CanSync )
- Pmid
- #100, Datatype: Integer
- Pid
- #101, Datatype: Integer
- depid
- #102, Datatype: Integer
- cid
- #103, Datatype: Integer
- locid
- #104, Datatype: Integer
- priority
- #105, Datatype: Integer
- enddt
- #106, Datatype: DateTime
- startdt
- #107, Datatype: DateTime
- unit_price
- #108, Datatype: Money/Currency
- PricePct
- #109, Datatype: Double
- comments
- #112, Datatype: String 140 bytes
- dow
- #113, Datatype: String 7 bytes
Day of Week entry is valid on - physkey
- #117, Datatype: String 44 bytes
Internal unique identifier - cflags
- #118, Datatype: Integer
Control any special effects when processing this pricemapPossible Values
Value Description 1 Disabled. Skip this entry even if valid 2 Discountable only. Do not apply to products marked no discount 4 Single Shot 8 Prompted 16 Stop scanning, exit 32 Final Price 64 Block if customer pricemap present 128 Reprice sale when trigger barcode used 256 Blocked, references missing data - prompt
- #121, Datatype: String 140 bytes
- publiccomments
- #122, Datatype: String 150 bytes
- Barcode
- #123, Datatype: String 90 bytes
A barcode that must be scanned before this pricemap will apply. See also the typecode field. - Typecode
- #124, Datatype: String 20 bytes
A user entered voucher code or password that must be entered before this pricemap will apply. This is similar to the barcode field but manually entered - delta_price
- #125
- usertypekey
- #126, Datatype: String 44 bytes
A physkey referencing the TypesUser table which describes a user defined group or categorisation for this pricemap entry. For example a key pointing to "Clearance Stock" - MarketingKey
- #127, Datatype: String 44 bytes
A physkey referencing the MarketingProgram table which places this pricemap into a marketing effort. - rve
- #129, Datatype: Double
- plevelmin
- #130, Datatype: Integer
Minimum version of code to understand and process this record - groupowner
- #131, Datatype: String 44 bytes
Physkey of a PriceGroup that defined or owns this entry - rmsystem
- #132, Datatype: String 60 bytes
- Spid
- #134, Datatype: Integer
- CountryCode
- #135, Datatype: Integer
Valid for locations in this Country code - CountryState
- #136, Datatype: String 16 bytes
Valid for locations in this state - geoarea
- #137, Datatype: Integer
Valid for locations in this Country code - pricetype
- #138, Datatype: Integer
Internal code indicating what this pricemap holds